
Greenbia 1.5
Greenbia 1.5 Greenbia 1.5
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Highly-enriched balanced nutritional supplement

Highly-enriched Specialized Nutrition with 1.5 kilocalories per milliliter
  • - Highly-enriched high protein balanced nutritional supplement
    It can be used as an oral nutritional supplement, it’s also suitable for tube feeding meals with a not too high osmotic pressure and viscosity despite being a highly-enriched product. - Viscosity:30~40 cps, - Osmosis 380 ~ 420m Osm / kg
  • - Fastand effective calorie supply
    Reduced effort of patients and caregivers by providing 1.5 times concentrated calories in meal time same as other products
    Provides 200 kcal in 200ml meal / -1.5kcal/ml
  • Enough vitamins and minerals
    Easily provideslacking vitamins and minerals
    - Vitamin:KDRIs 100%/1000kcal
    - Mineral:KDRIs 100%/1500kcal

Product Description

  • Greenbia 1.5 is a low-residue highly concentrated high protein balanced nutritional supplement for people who require high concentration of nutrient supply. It can be used as an oral nutritional supplement, it’s also suitable for tube feeding meals with not too high osmotic pressure and viscosity despite being a highly-enriched product. It can shorten feeding time as well as reduce efforts of patients and caregivers by providing 1.5 times concentrated calories in meal time same as other products. Also, it scientifically designed easily lacking contents of vitamins and minerals, and it can be used to supply complex nutrients for people who have difficulty taking in large amounts of food.


  • Greenbia 1.5 is a low-residue highly concentrated balanced nutritional supplement that can provide sufficientproteins and calories with a small amount to the tube feeding patients.


  • Patients require highly concentrated nutrition supply due to severe malnutrition/ people who can’t consume large amount of food due to meal refuse, loss of appetite etc. without special diseases / tube feeding patients who require higher amount of calories compare to general patients

Greenbia 1.5
Nutritional Facts

Nutritional Facts (200ml basis):taurine 22mg, chlorine 150mg, L-carnitine 22mg, choline 73mg, MCT oil

Calories 300 kcl Sodium 180mg (12%) Vitamin E 3mg -TE (20%) Magnesium 51mg (15%)
Carbohydrate 41g Vitamin A 225µgRE (30%) Vitamin K1 22.5µg (30%) Zinc 2mg (20%)
Sugars 0.5g Vitamin B1 0.36µg (30%) Folic acid 120µg (30%) Iron 2mg (20%)
Protein 13g Vitamin B2 0.45mg (30%) Niacin 4.8mg (30%) Potassium 300mg (6%)
Fat 9g Vitamin B6 0.45mg (30%) Biotin 9µg (30%) Manganese 0.7mg (20%)
Saturated fat 3g Vitamin B12 0.72µg (30%) Pantothenic acid 1.5mg (30%) Copper 0.16mg (20%)
Trans fat 0g Vitamin C 30mg (30%) Calcium 140mg (20%) Selenium 8.25µg (15%)
Cholesterol 0mg Vitamin D3 1.5µg (30%) Phosphorus 140mg (20%) Chrome 7.5µg
            Molybdenum 3.75µg

* < >indicates % recommended nutrient intake for Koreans (20-29 yr old male)

Greenbia 1.5
Nutritional Facts

-Calorie configuration- protein: Fat: Carbohydrate = 17.5: 28: 54.5 - Functional Components
- Micro minerals (Se, Cr, Mo), taurine, L- carnitine, choline, MCT oil
-Specific gravity -1.100g/cm3  -Viscosity-30~40 cps -Osmosis-380~420mOsm/kg -pH – 6.8~7.2

lactose free / gluten free / cholesterol free


- Do not use for intravenous administration.
- The product is not designed for kidney diseases. For patients with kidney disease, use Greenbia RD or RD+.