General Soymilk

Plain Vegemil A
Plain Vegemil A Plain Vegemil A
Traditional Vegemil Soy Milk with 39years of history
Provides the plain and simple flavor and nutrition of soy beans!
  • Size

    Bottle, Pack 190ml
    Pack 950ml

  • Calories


  • Expiration Period


  • Released Date

    1973. 01
    1984. 10

※ This is the image of the product for export only

Product Characteristic

  • Scientific Nutrition Design
  • Plain and Simple Flavor
  • Pure Vegetable Naturalism
  • 01Scientific nutrition design
    - It is a type of soy milk optimally designed to contain soy beans’natural nutrients, various vitamins and minerals.
  • 01Plain andsimple flavor of soy beans
    - It is a product that maximizes the fresh taste of soy beans, great for men and women of all ages.
  • 01Pure vegetable naturalism that our body needs
    - It is a well-balanced nutritional vegetable drink that can be substituted for animal food.

Vegemil Products?

  • - Uses soy milk extract manufactured by grinding real soy beans rather thanisolated soy protein
  • - Manufactured according to a strict sterilization system
  • - Employs a 3-level management system of raw materials, selecting and using only materials that are guaranteed for their safety and reliability

Nutritional Facts

Amount Per Serving (190ml/1-pack)

Nutritional Facts
Calories 110kcal Vitamin B1 0.11mg (11%)
Carbohydrate 8g(2%) Vitamin B2 0.14mg (12%)
Soybean Oligosaccharide 510mg Vitamin B6 0.08mg (5%)
Soybean Dietary Fiber 1.3g(5%) Vitamin C 14mg (14%)
Sugars 6g Vitamin D3 1.9ug (38%)
Protein 6g (10%) Niacin 1.56mg NE (12%)
Fat 6g(12%) Folic Acid 14ug (6%)
Linoleic Acid 2850mg Calcium 95mg (14%)
Linolenic Acid 425mg Phosphorous 85mg (12%)
Saturated Fat 1g(7%) Iron 1mg (7%)
Trans Fat 0g Zinc 1.1mg (9%)
Cholesterol 0mg(0%) Lecithin 55mg
Sodium 210mg(11%) Lactose -

Amount Per Serving (190ml/1-bottle)

Nutritional Facts표
Calories 115kcal Saturated Fat 1.5g(10%)
Carbohydrate 8g (2%) Trans Fat 0g
Sugars 6g Cholesterol 0mg (0%)
Protein 6g (10%) Sodium 140mg (7%)
Fat 7g (14%)

(*)indicates % Daily Value