
Wholesome black bean tomato juice
Wholesome black bean tomato juice Wholesome black bean tomato juice
Black bean and Tomato juice that you can enjoy nutrition of tomato and black soybean at the same time
  • Size

    Bottle 180ml

  • Calories


  • Expiration Period

    1 year

  • Released Date

    2010. 07

※ This is the image of the product for export only

Product features

  • Tomato
  • Domestic Black Soybean
  • Contains vitamin and mineral
  • 01Thick and smooth fruit and vegetable beverage that contains real nutrition of black soybean and tomato!
    - Black bean and Tomato containing health used red ripe tomatoes, we removed greasy taste and smell so anyone can drink it.
    You can enjoy nutrition of tomato and black soybean at the same with rich and smooth flavor, we added black soybean extract unlike general tomato beverage,
  • 02Nutrition of tomato and black soybean which are good for the body

    - 1) Tomato, full of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber!
    Tomato is also called the king of the vitamins since it contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2 equally. Also, 90% of tomato is water, so it's an alkaline food with lots of potassium and dietary fiber.
    Also it's known to contain functional ingredients such as lycopene and beta-carotene etc. which are contained in natural red pigment.

    - 2) Typical black food, black soybean!
    Black soybean not only contains soy protein and soy dietary fiber which are great for the body but functional ingredient anthocyanin as well.It also contains various vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional Facts

Amount Per Serving (180ml / 1 bottle)

Calories 95kcal Saturated Fat 0g (0%)
Carbohydrate 21g(6%) Trans Fat 0g
Sugars 16g Cholesterol 0mg (0%)
Protein 1g (2%) Sodium 30mg (2%)
Fat 1g (2%)

(*) indicates % Daily Value