- The 2nd time to leap
- 03Plain Vegemil A Black Bean Soymilk, Sweet Vegemil B Black Bean Soymilk
Released vegemil that can help to improve cholesterol - 03Selected as No.1 Golden brand for 13 consecutive years in Korea Brand Power
Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector - 02Released Vegemil domestic bean soymilk, Vegemil domestic bean soymilk
almond, walnut - 12Released Vegemil honey soymilk
- 07Released Vegemil no artificial additive soymilk,
Vegemil apple mango soymilk with chewy fruit - 05Awarded for Sial Innovation Award at the '2014 Sial China' China
international food expo - 04Released Vegemil bean baby food, our bean
- 03Selected as No.1 Golden brand for 12 consecutive years in
Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector - 02Released Vegemil Soy milk + Milk
- 01Received Sponsor contribution appreciation plaque by
Korea Blood Cancer Association - 04Announced new CI for the 40th anniversary of Dr. Chung's Food Co., Ltd.
- 03Selected as No.1 Golden brand for 11 consecutive years in Korea Brand
Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector - 02Released Greenbia Iodine restricted Nutritional supplement
- 01Soybean fiber Manufacturing Technology New Excellent
Technology certification - 12Released Greenbia 1.5 HACCP Certification of all Vegemil
products (including bottles, pouches) - 10Released Vegemil Mouth full banana soymilk
- 09Released Greenbia dysphagia solution
- 08Released Vegemil creamer original
- 07Selected as No.1 Golden brand for 11 consecutive
years in Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector - 06Released Greenbia Iodine restricted Nutritional supplement
- 05Released Vegemil Oatmeal soymilk
- 04Released three kinds of Cafe Soya Selected
as Official drink for national wrestling team (Vegemil, Greenbia) - 03Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector Selected
as No.1 Golden brand for 10 consecutive years - 02Released Almond and Walnut Vegemil
- 01Recertification of Consumer Centered Management
as the first in soymilk industry - 07Selected as Excellent Company for marking origin of agrifood
- 06Launched 'Sing Sing live Vegemil' refrigerated soymilk
- 04Released Sun Mond Natural Juice
- 03Released Vegemil Hovenia soymilk Selected as No.1
Golden brand for 9 consecutive years in Korea Brand
Power Index (K-BPI),soymilk sector Good Neighbors
Fund Delivery Ceremony (Delivered Soymilk Day event proceeds) - 01Selected as Excellent Company of National Living safety
- 12Awarded for Excellent Company using genuine software
(by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism - 12HACCP Certification of all Vegemil products (pouches)
(Cheongju Factory) - 12President's Award on the 15th consumer rights day
- 12Released renewal soft soy bean drinking yogurt
- 10Released Sun Mont Soymilk + Milk plus
- 10Released Sun Mont apple in pocket Sip of orange
- 06Moved to Hoehyeon-dong new office building
- 06Released Sun Mont Healthy Hallabong, Blueberry aid
- 06Released GI project Vegemil ace
- 05HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
Certification of Vegemil soy bean baby food - 03Released Vegemil that wants to give to my family
- 02Selected as No.1 Golden brand for 8 consecutive years in
Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector Released Vegemil black bean
and 16 grains
The 2nd time to leap(2010~Present)
Moved into new Hoehyun-dong office building which is indwelled with sprit of its foundation and proclaimed the 2nd foundation. We are strengthening our status as the representative food business responsible for public health.
2015 History
2014 History
2013 History
2012 History
2011 History
2010 History
- 03Plain Vegemil A Black Bean Soymilk, Sweet Vegemil B Black Bean Soymilk
- The 1st time to leap
- 11CCMS certification, the first in the soymilk industry
- 11‘Carbon labeling certification’ of 6 Vegemil products
- 10Released Green Tea Vegemil Fresh Renewal
- 09Social contribution agreement with Good Neighbors
- 09Registered Premium Vegemil Infant Formula with the U.S. FDA
- 0606Released One Sip, Power Booster
- 05Built Gangnam office
- 04Released Vegemil Fiber 3000
- 03Released Greenbia MC Black Sesame Seed
- 03Released Red Bean Vegemil
- 01Organized consulting of Vegemil, Korea Management Association
- 01Selected as No.1 Golden brand for 7 consecutive years in Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector
- 12ISO 22000(Food Safety Management System) certification
- 11Black Soybean Vegemil, Black Soybean High calcium Vegemil packages
- 07Selected as the No.1 Golden brand for 6 consecutive years in Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector
- 06Released Sunmond School Yogurt, School Juice, and Deliso Grape/Tomato
- 05Dr. Chung’s Food cited asa ‘Food Safety Management Excellent Company’
- 04Released School Kids
- 03Released SunmondV19 in a Pocket
- 02Selected as the No.1 Golden brand for 6 consecutive years
in Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector2015-10-06 - 08Released Sunmond Black Soybean Tea, Wild Ginseng Water My Body Wants
- 08Released Golden Rich That Wakes Me Up, Brewed Coffee Black/ Hazelnut
- 03Organized Vegemilfor 5 consecutive years, Korea Management Association
- 02Selected as the No.1 Golden brand for 5 consecutive years in Korea Brand
Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector - 01Renewal of Organic Vegemil Baby Formula
- 01Organic Vegemil Infant Step 1, Toddler Step 2/ Step 3, Elfin Step 4
- 01Released Sunmond Yeseol Tri-Color Tea, Yeseol Brown Rice Green Tea, Corn
Silk Tea - 01Central Research institute acquired a patent related to the soybean gemmule and shell
- 12Received an appreciation reward as a ‘Love Sharing Sponsor’
- 09Released Premium Vegemil Elfin Step4, Renewal of Vegemil Neo-Infant
- 06Released Green Tea EGCG Vegemil
- 04Released Refrigerated Vegemil A, B, and Green Tea Vegemil
- 03Renewal of Premium Vegemil Baby Formula
- 03Released Premium Vegemil Infant Step1, Toddler Step 2 / Step 3
- 03Renewal of Vegemil Baby Formula
- 03Vegemil Infant Step1, Toddler Step 2 / Step 3, Elfin Step 4
- 02Selected as the No.1 Golden brand for 4 consecutive years in Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector
- 02Released Sunmond Soy Café Latte, Soy Cappuccino, Black Soybean Soymilk
- 02Renewal release of High Calcium Vegemil, Black Soybean Soymilk Doctor, and Vegemil Adult
- 01Patent No.0563206, Soy bio 7 “Manufacturing Method of
Soybean Fermented Beverage” - 09Received the Best Technology Award, Health Industry Technologies Exposition
Korea - 06Replaced the cap of bottled Vegemil to A, B RTO, released Vegemil Teens
- 05테트라탑 소이 망고, 소이 오렌지 출시
- 04Released Vegemil Soy Bio 7
- 04Organic Vegemil Infant, Toddler, Premium
- 0404 Renewal release of Dr. Vegemil Series (High calcium, Selenium, Adult)
- 02Selected as the No.1 Golden brand for 3 consecutive years in Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector
- 08Renewed bottle design of Vegemil A, B using disposable bottles
- 02Selected as the No.1 Golden brand for2 consecutive years in Korea Brand
Power Index (K-BPI), soymilk sector - 12The Central Research Institute was recognized as a KOLAS
(Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme) - 11Released Vegemil Black Sesame Seed
- 10Received an Excellence Award in Health and industrial promotion merits,
Technology sector - 06Renewed bottle design of Vegemil A, B using disposable bottles
- 06Released Vegemil Black Soybean and Black Sesame Seed
- 02Selected as the No.1 Golden brand in Korea Brand Power Index (K-BPI),
soymilk sector - 06Released Greenbia Fiber
- 03Completion of automated warehouse
- 02Released High Calcium Vegemil
- 12Released Vegemil Grain powder, Ssuk Ssuk 5
- 11Corporate separation of Nature & People Co., Ltd
- 02Installed GMO quantitative analyzer at the Central Research Institute
- 02Selected as an Excellent Military Supply Company in the beverage sector
- 01Took over Morning Bell
- 09Cheongju Factory was selected as the 2000 Republic of Korea Excellent Manufacturing Factory
- 04Released Green Tea Vegemil
- 03Presidential reward on the 34th Taxpayer’s Day
- 11Chairman Chai-Won Chung received the International Soybean Association
Achievement Award - 04Released Vegemil Neo-Infant
- 11Opened the International Soybean Symposium
- 07Signed contract for the introduction of the ERP System
- 06Registered Vegemil Youth, Vegemil Adult with the U.S. FDA
- 03Expansion of pouch products production facility
- 01Organized 350 Healthy Ladies
The 1st time to leap(1998~2009)
Keeping pace with the information age, we have restructured ourselves as a lead 21st century company. By introducing the ERP system in 1998, we have increased workefficiency andcomputerized everything, and also reorganized our sales and distribution organizations.
2009 History
2008 History
2007 History
2006 History
2005 History
2004 History
2003 History
2002 History
2001 History
2000 History
1999 History
1998 History
- Expansion Period
- 03Released Vegemil Infant
- 01Obtained Korea Invention Patent No. 093635 of Vegemil C
- 05Released Vegemil Soy for Babies
- 05Obtained U.S Invention Patent No. 5413803 of Vegemil C
- 02Obtained Australian Invention Patent No. 654241 of Vegemil C
- 08Released Spornix, a sports beverage
- 01Released Greenbia, a special nutrition food for patients
Expansion Period(1991~1997)
While accelerating the research and development of soymilk products throughcontinued research activities and various products development, we also developed Greenbia to expand into the new patient food sector. Thus, we became a leading company in the enteral nutrition food industry as well as the soymilk industry.
Through 5 years of animal studies, we developed optimal products that highlight nutrition and function, proving the quality of Dr. Chung’s Food productsto the world and gaining international recognition.1997 History
1996 History
1995 History
1992 History
1991 History
- Growth Period
- 12Completed expansion of SingalFactory No.1
- 07Completed expansion of Cheongju Factory No.2
- 04Completed the Central Research Institution
- 03First export of Vegemil
- 12Established the Hyechun Scholarship Committee
- 07Completed the Cheongju factory
- 03Awarded the Iron Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit (Tax Day)
- 01환자식 특수영양식품 그린비아 발매
Growth Period(1984~1990)
In 1984, with the completion of the state-of-the-art automated Cheongju factory, mass supply and production of high quality Vegemil became smoothly conducted, and with the establishment of the Central Research Institution in 1985, Dr. Chung’s Food became a global soymilk company with its own Research Institution
1990 History
1989 History
1985 History
1984 History
1991 History
- Beginning phase
- 10Awarded the presidential citation for food saving and eating habit
improvement - 12Expanded production facility
(production capacity of 1 million productsper day) - 09Completion of the Singal Factory, established the mass production format
- 09Awarded the gold prize by the Consumer Opinion Survey Association
- 07Establishment of Dr. Chung’s Food Co., Ltd
Beginning phase(1973~1983)
Dr. Chung worry for children who struggled from milk allergies and lactose intolerance has started with the sense of duty as a doctor.
Founder and medical doctor Chai-Won Chung’s concern for children with lactose intolerance began in 1973as he startedworking as a pediatrician. The Vegemil was born through endless efforts and researches with the purpose of providing proper nutrients and cure to children who are suffering from lactose intolerance.1983 History
1978 History
1973 History
- 10Awarded the presidential citation for food saving and eating habit