[Story of fiber]Fibers are included in soybeans that are not included in milk.
Is dietary fiber important?
Dietary fiber is a general term for polysaccharides that cannot be decomposed with human digestive enzyme. As the importance of 5 major nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and mineralstand out, dietary fiber is taking an important position of everyday diet and being called the 6th nutrient.
There are two types of dietary fibers!
Dietary fibers are broadly classified as soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, and they can be mainly ingested through vegetable foods. The insoluble fibers in many grains, such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat etc. absorb moisture for excreta to increases its volume.The soluble fibers contained in many fruits or seaweeds work to make smooth excreta. Soybeans not only contain higher amount of dietary fibers compare to other grains as well as effective pool of dietary fiber that have both soluble and insoluble.
Dietary fibers are good for the intestine
The dietary fibers have the function of absorbing moisture and increasing the amount of excreta after they reach the intestine without being absorbed into the body. They also absorb various components from the colon such as fat and sugar etc. and discharge them out of the body.
[Story of Oligosaccharide]Soy oligosaccharide helps grow bifidobacteria in the colon
Let's learn about the role of oligosaccharides!
Soybeans contain oligosaccharides called raffinose and stachyose.
Oligosaccharides cannot be decomposed with human digestive enzyme, so they are moved to the colon. They are known to control the growth and development of other harmful bacteria and expand the number of beneficial bacteria, difidobacteria, in the colon. Due to these roles of the oligosaccharides, they are equally used throughout different kinds of food such as beverage, fermented milk, processed foods, dry milk etc.
Soy oligosaccharides are quite special~
In case of soy oligosaccharides, they are receiving attention in terms of safety, when other oligosaccharides mostly use biosynthesis method using enzymes, soy oligosaccharidesseparated from routinely consumed natural soybeans.
[Unsaturated fatty acid]Soybeans, full of unsaturated fatty acid which is good for the body
Saturated fatty acid causes obesity!
To increase the quality of life, many nutritionists restrict the intake of animal foods with high- cholesterol and saturated fatty acid such as meat or dairy products, and recommend the intake of vegetable foods full of dietary fibers, vitamins, and unsaturated fatty acid.
If saturated fatty acid and cholesterols are ingested excessively, they increase the accumulation of body fat, and they are the risk factor that may cause many health problems caused by being overweight
Unsaturated fatty acid, good for the body
Soybean don't contain any cholesterol content but contain very a high content of unsaturated fatty acid compared to animal foods.
Especially, high content of omega 6 linoleic acid and omega-3 linolenic acid, also very ideal ratio of about 7:1 Linolenic acid is synthesized in to EPA and DHA in our body.
[Story of protein]Let's forget the idea of that soy protein is lack of nutrition
Excellent nutrition approved by World Health Organization!
There are people who still wrongly believe that animal protein is better than vegetable protein.
Unlike other vegetable proteins like wheat and peanuts, soy protein is equivalent to egg or milk proteins in nutrition. It was recognized by the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) newly established by World Health Organization (WHO).
Supply nutrients in balance, ones that are easily short
Soybeans have the advantage of being able to supply balanced protein in situations where ingestion of vegetable foods increase. Theycan also supplement essential amino acids in rice-oriented diet with excellent essential amino acid composition.
[Story of Iron]Soybeans with high iron nutrition
Iron is an important component that constitutes blood andan essential nutrient for growing youth, women and adults.
Generally, the absorption rate of iron contained in vegetable foods are known to be lower than animal foods. However, there has been a study that the absorption rate of iron in soybean is high because iron of soybean is in combined sate with ferritin. Ferritin contains about 25% of iron, it's the protein involved in the storage of iron in the blood and tissues.
More iron than milk!
In addition, soymilk contains higher content of iron than raw milk, so iron nutrition is recommended.